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Issue 21: Building Resilience in Uncertain Times

June 02, 20242 min read

Issue 21: Building Resilience in Uncertain Times

"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them."

-Maya Angelou

Welcome to our twenty-first edition!

As we transition from Memorial Day and approach the start of summer, it's a perfect time to focus on building resilience. We are excited to uplevel the format of our newsletter to give you specific strategies and approaches to not only enhance your effectiveness but also uplift your teams. Each week, we’ll be sharing three actionable strategies you can implement immediately. We’re confident that these strategies will help you grow your skills and help others grow, which, after all, is the sign of a true leader.


Building Resilience Together

  • Strategy 1: Create a Safe Space for Open Communication

    Start a weekly check-in with your team where everyone can share their challenges and successes. Encourage openness and honesty without judgment. This can be a short 5-10 minute session at the beginning of a team meeting.

  • Strategy 2: Share Personal Stories of Resilience

    Share a personal story where you overcame a challenge. Highlight the strategies you used to stay resilient. Encourage team members to share their own stories. This builds a sense of community and mutual support.

  • Strategy 3: Practice Gratitude as a Group

    Spend the last 2-3 minutes of your weekly check-in having each team member share one thing they are grateful for. This shifts the focus from stress to positive aspects of their work and life, fostering a resilient mindset.

Why this matters:

By fostering a resilient environment, you not only improve your own ability to cope with stress but also help your team navigate uncertainties more effectively. Open communication, sharing personal stories, practicing gratitude, and leveraging strengths build a supportive and resilient team culture.

Next week's preview

In our next issue, we’ll dive into effective time management techniques to enhance productivity and reduce stress. These strategies will help you and your team work smarter, not harder.

Until our next issue, practice these resilience-building strategies with your team and watch how collective strength and support make everyone more resilient.

Go out there and lead,


PS: If you want to build a more resilient team and improve your leadership skills, schedule a consultation today to explore personalized strategies and workshops.

ResilienceLeadershipTeam buildingCommunicationGratitudeStress managementPersonal growthWorkplace cultureUncertaintyProductivityEffective strategiesEmployee well-beingSupportChallengesSuccess stories
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Asia Bribiesca-Hedin

Asia Bribiesca-Hedin, MBA, MPA, CPC, CPCC, Principal Coach and CEO of Bridgewell LLC Professional Services

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